
UConn, Then and Now


This Sunday on Face the State, we are joined by Susan Herbst, the president of the University of Connecticut, who’s here to talk about budget cuts, the progress the state’s flasgship university is making, drugs on college campuses and much more. Herbst, fresh off a recent appearance on Better Connecticut where she cooked and swapped jobs with Kara Sundlun, also chatted about the school’s opening of a campus in downtown Hartford, and a record number of applications for the class of 2019.


President Herbst also reacted to this week’s Face the State flashback, a story pulled from our archives from 1973. Channel 3 reporters Brad Davis and John Sablon traveled to the campuses of UConn, Wesleyan University and Trinity College to look into co-ed dorms and sexual activity on campus.


The special report was called “Boys and Girls Together,” and it is a snapshot into life in the early 1970s and the so-called sexual revolution. Brad and John asked students some pretty frank questions about sex, and they returned with some frank answers. Here are some of the people interviewed. Recognize anyone?


You can watch the interview with Susan Herbst and our Face the State flashback, right here:

Herbst: http://www.wfsb.com/video?autoStart=true&topVideoCatNo=default&clipId=11182753

Flashback: http://www.wfsb.com/video?autoStart=true&topVideoCatNo=default&clipId=11191911

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