
Murphy Backs Obama on Catholic Mandate; Calls an Election of McMahon “Disastrous”

We have long realized that many people are in church while Face the State is on the air because we get plenty of e-mails and comments indicating the broadcast is often watched on DVR.    This Sunday what was on the agenda of our broadcast,  also come up in your parish.

Yesterday, parishioners at several churches across Connecticut were told to contact their member of congress to urge him or her to fight a new measure introduced by the Obama administration.  Henry Mansell, the Archbishop of Hartford, says the president’s mandate that Catholic organizations provide contraception and the morning after pill to its employees is horrific and unfair.   During an appearance on Face the State this weekend,  Congressman Chris Murphy (CT-5)  said the Catholic church is wrong to fight the president on this issue.     The mandate would impact hospitals, universities, schools and other organizations.

Here is an excerpt of what Murphy had to say:   “We are seeing a war being waged in Washington on women’s rights.”  

” We need to draw a line in the sand.  Enough is enough, a women where ever she works has a right to a full range of reproductive health care, that should be the law of the land.”

During the interview that focused on Murphy’s campaign for the senate seat currently held by Joe Lieberman,   Murphy also talked about recent criticism from former Secretary of the State Susan Byiewicz, why he is so focused on Linda McMahon, and much more.   Murphy said his campaign does stress electability, suggesting he is the best Democrat in the race.

“I’m the only candidate who can match her (McMahon) dollar for dollar, volunteer for volunteer……It would be disastrous for our state if we nominate someone like McMahon.”

You can watch the entire interview right here:  http://www.wfsb.com/video?autoStart=true&topVideoCatNo=default&clipId=6711645

9 replies »

  1. a good reason for Murphy not to get elected. But what has the Democrats delegation done for us in DC? We get back only 69 cents for every dollar we send. The highest gas tax in the country. They’ve done nothing for this state except pass regulations that are killing business.


  2. actually it came up after our (Missouri Synod Lutheran) service during the announcements. Bullying by the government of the Catholic Church. Shame.
    We may not be Catholics, but we are pro-life and will stand with the Catholics on this.


  3. The congressional team of incumbent Democrats led by Rep. Chris Murphy are often labeled as the Connecticut Job Killers. They all subscribe to the global warming hoax and regularly channel the tax payers’ money to their favorite “green energy” boondoggles. Martha Stewart went to jail for insider trading, the very thing members of Congress were allowed. Congress is a criminal elite. The scandals we see are but the tip of the iceberg.

    They all disregard sane fiscal policy, even to the extent of burdening their own children and grandchildren with oppressive debt every time they vote for another wasteful spending scheme. They have all learned the Washington two-step of tax and spend, and are masters of the game.

    Whether it’s John Larson scaring seniors at his town halls or Joe Courtney pretending to be a friend of working folks, they have been very successful in fooling the voters who don’t pay attention. But the people have begun to learn the truth, and one day soon, maybe before the producers have all fled the state, leaving it to the tax-eaters and charlatans, Connecticut may yet be saved.


  4. I hope that Murphy or any other socialists are not elected ever again in our state. But, the republicans are not offering much either. Many, many voters McMahon and and don’t trust Shays. Yet, the leadership of the republican party is, thus far. refusing to acknowledge other candidates, such as Peter Lumaj. or Brian Hill. Unless we get a credible candidate this year, we will loose again. I recommend that voters take e look at this Peter Lumaj guy. I like what I see in him so far. He can beat a democrat any time. Hill appears to be good too, but Linda or Chris, gave us a break.


  5. Chris Murphy mentioned that Connecticut already has a Pill bill on the books. What he conviently failed to mention was that there is a broad religious exemption, unlike the federal mandate. The federal mandate will override this existing state law and with it the religious freedoms it protects..


  6. “We need to draw a line in the sand. Enough is enough, a women where ever she works has a right to a full range of reproductive health care, that should be the law of the land.”

    Not even President Obama’s administrative edict goes quite that far. Nuns, for instance, are women who work in churches, and yet the administrative edict does not require churches to supply nuns with birth control pills, contraceptives and morning after abortifacients. Under Mr. Murphy’s line in the sand rule, they would be compelled to do so. Mr. Murphy perhaps will agree that his line in the sand, must pass constitutional muster; and there is that little impediment in the First Amendment that prevents congress from passing laws that infringe upon “the exercise of religion.” Mr. Murphy is familiar with this clause because he has passionately invoked it in the past on other occasions.


  7. Murphy loves to turn the issue into what it’s not.. The catholic church, republican candidates – no one is arguing to restrict people’s access to contraceptIve care. That’s never even been on the table. What conservatives are fighting is the idea that organizations like insurance companies etc should be forced to pay for this care. Contraception is already low cost by its nature so the only thing the democrats can possibly be doing with this issue is shoving it in people’s faces who may have personal objections to it.


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