
Lamont Says Lieberman Beatable, but Won’t Challenge him in ’12

In the past quarter century only four people have won Democratic senate primaries in Connecticut:  Chris Dodd, Joe Lieberman, Dick Blumenthal and Ned Lamont.    Despite his inclusion in this elite club, it is highly unlikely Lamont will run for the senate in 2012.

During  a taping of “Face the State with Dennis House,”  Lamont told me he has been “through the meat grinder” a couple of times, and wants someone else to run, calling the Democratic party bench, “impressive.”        It is an unlikely scenario, but I asked Lamont if no one else were to run, and the party encouraged him to jump in, what would he say?  “I don’t think so,” Lamont told me.   He also believes Senator Joe Lieberman is beatable.

Lamont added “I believe in public service, and want to serve the people,”   but admits it does not have to be an elected position.     

We also talked about the potential senate candidates in ’12, Governor-elect Dan Malloy, and Lamont’s failed run for governor .  You can watch the entire interview with Ned Lamont this Sunday at 11.

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  1. Actually Dennis, Ned Lamont is the only one of the above-mentioned four who won a Democratic primary for U.S. Senate in Connecticut in the last quarter century. Dick Blumenthal was not primaried this year (Merrick Alpert dropped out at the state convention), Chris Dodd was never primaried for the seat from 1980 on, and until 2006/Lamont, Joe Lieberman also had never faced a primary for U.S. Senate. In fact, prior to 2006, I’m not sure when the last Democratic primary for U.S. Senate was. I know that it was at least prior to 1970, because Thomas Dodd did not primarry in ’70, he withdrew his name from nomination at the party convention, when he realized he was going to lose the convention to Joe Duffy, and then he ran as a third-party candidate. That’s when Weicker won the seat, because Democrats were split and Republicans were unified behind Weicker.


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